Saturday, July 13, 2019


if i were to give myself a moment

to tune out the noise,

tune in 

to inner voice,

what would  i  h e a r ?

w h i s p e r s 

remind me 



 of  this earth,

c o n n e c t e d to the life source that connects us all,

"so long as you breathe, you have a story to live out"

gentle nudges tell me 

to keep listening,

learn i n g,

process i n g,

c o n necting

to what gives  l i g h t  to the spirit,

h o p e  

to the seeking soul;

continuously asking why, 

striving to figure out how

staying open to the  p o s s i b i l i t i e s, 


that often lie                 out s i d e

o ur comfort zon e

how it manifests itself, 

we have yet to see 


so take your time to prepare and process,

you will know when you are ready to step out

and when you do,

it shall be a light for many

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Beautiful <3